Social Security Lawyers of Nevada

Call (702) 707-2222

What about Social Security back pay?

As a practical matter, most claimants will receive their back-pay payment within 60 days of receiving the approval notice.

Because of the length of time that a Social Security claim takes to go through the administrative and adjudication processes, past due benefit (or backpay) is nearly always awarded.

The amount of backpay that a claimant is due depends on when the disability was determined to have begun, and when the claimant initially filed for disability.

For SSI claims, social security backpay accrues from the date of the initial application. For SSD claims, Title II and RSDI claims, benefits accrue from the date of the application, and can go back an additional twelve months, depending on the Established Onset Date (EOD). However, there is a mandatory five month waiting period for such claims that will ultimately affect the amount of backpay that the claimant will receive.

The Established Onset Date (EOD) may be decided either by the administrative law judge or by Disability Determination Services (SSD), and is meant to determine the exact date (or as close an approximation to the exact date) that the claimant first suffered disability.

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The Pines Shopping Center
6077 S Fort Apache Rd #140
Las Vegas, NV 89148

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(702) 707-2222

Social Security Lawyers of Nevada
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Call (702) 707-2222

Although licensed in other states, Social Security Lawyers of Nevada are licensed to practice in all federal courts. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. References to laws are limited to the rules established by the Social Security Administration and other federal laws.