Social Security Lawyers of Nevada

Call (702) 707-2222

The Impact Of Social Media On A Social Security Disability Claim

All the social security lawyers in Nevada encourage all of their clients to not use illegal drugs and to limit alcohol use. However they are much more forgiving than the judges and much more understanding. Social media problems are not near as a big of a problem in social security disability and other parts of the law at this point. The judges aren’t looking for people on Facebook or twitter. At this adversarial process, there is a hearing to cross examine the claimants or to sort of fight the other side. We don’t get that social media element.

People May Feel Discouraged and Contemplate Giving Up a SSD Claim

At the point that people are in with us, they are going through this process, there is no real giving up. Once they have hired us, we are talking care of it for them so they don’t have to do anything at that point other than wait for the hearing. If something happens and they can go back to work and get a job. It is always better to have a job than a disability check, they can always make more money than they can on disability. If someone gets better and can go back to work, it’s not the same as giving up on their disability claims. That is success.

The Typical Amount of Compensation in a Social Security Disability Claim

The disability rate is determined by how much money you paid into the system over your life time. Everybody’s disability rate is unique. Your disability rate is also called personal insured amount or PIA for short. This number is unique and you can find that number yourself by going on to and registering and looking at your social security statements. People used to get a copy of that statement in the mail every year. Some people still get those copies in the mail.

The Personal Insured Amount of an SSD Claim is Unique for Every Person

However if you don’t, you can still see an updated copy of that statement which will go in and document all your earnings over your lifetime. It will also tell you how much you would qualify for disability, how much your dependents would qualify for if you became disabled and that number is unique to you. The other thing is if you are disabled that not only could you receive money but possibly your spouse could be entitled to money and any minor children whether or not they are living in your household may also be entitled to money based on your statement.

The Personal Insured Amount of a SSD Claim is Expressed in a Monthly Amount

It’s expressed in a monthly amount and it is paid to you on as you remain disabled up until full termination. Legally, a person cannot receive substantial disability benefits if they were engaged in substantial gainful activity. Currently Congress defines this as working and making more than $1080 in any given month.

The Information Required By An Attorney to Litigate an SSD Claim

The first thing that people need to do is call us and visit with us here. We get them the information that we need over the phone and we set up an appointment for them to come in to our office. If for any reason due to transportation or some other reason, they cannot come to our office, we can do an initial consultation over the phone. The consultation will only take between 30 minutes and an hour.

A Client Can Inquire About Any Aspect of the Litigation Process from the Attorney

During that consultation, the client will have the opportunity to ask us any questions that they have about the process, about the representation, about the fees, about the expenses and about the process itself. We will also have the opportunity to ask the clients all the information about their entire specific and unique situation that we need. At that point if we are able to represent the client, we will be able to inform them at that meeting or on that phone call.

Our Address

The Pines Shopping Center
6077 S Fort Apache Rd #140
Las Vegas, NV 89148

Our Phone Number

(702) 707-2222

Social Security Lawyers of Nevada
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Call (702) 707-2222

Although licensed in other states, Social Security Lawyers of Nevada are licensed to practice in all federal courts. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. References to laws are limited to the rules established by the Social Security Administration and other federal laws.